An Offer in Compromise can help certain taxpayers resolve tax debt

An Offer in Compromise can help certain taxpayers resolve tax debt

When a taxpayer can’t pay their full tax liability or if paying would cause financial hardship, they may want to consider applying for an Offer in Compromise. This agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS settles a tax debt for less than the full amount owed. The goal is a compromise that’s in the best…

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What taxpayers need to know about digital asset reporting and tax requirements

Taxpayers filing 2023 tax returns must check a box indicating whether they received digital assets as a reward, award or payment for property or services or disposed of any digital asset that was held as a capital asset through a sale, exchange or transfer. A digital asset is a digital representation of value that is…

What is the Lifetime Learning Credit?

What is the Lifetime Learning Credit?

The lifetime learning credit (LLC) is for qualified tuition and related expenses paid for eligible students enrolled in an eligible educational institution. This credit can help pay for undergraduate, graduate and professional degree courses — including courses to acquire or improve job skills. There is no limit on the number of years you can claim the…

Options for taxpayers with a tax bill they can’t pay

Options for taxpayers with a tax bill they can’t pay

Taxpayers who can’t pay their tax bill by the April 15, 2024, deadline shouldn’t panic. The IRS offers several options to help them meet their obligations. It’s important for taxpayers to file their tax return or request an extension of time to file at by the April 15, 2024, deadline – even if they…

Employer-provided childcare credit

Employer-provided childcare credit

If you provide childcare services to your employees, you may be eligible for this general business credit. It covers qualified expenditures for a childcare facility and for childcare resource and referral. The Employer-Provided Childcare Credit offers employers a tax credit up to $150,000 per year to offset 25% of qualified childcare facility expenditures and 10%…

Businesses should review Employee Retention Credit rules and resolve incorrect claims soon

Businesses should review Employee Retention Credit rules and resolve incorrect claims soon

The IRS urges businesses to review their eligibility for the Employee Retention Credit because there’s limited time for them to voluntarily resolve incorrect claims and avoid future issues, such as penalties and interest. Some honest businesses were misled into filing claims for the Employee Retention Credit by promoters who often misrepresented or oversimplified eligibility rules….

Understanding the Credit for Other Dependents

Understanding the Credit for Other Dependents

Taxpayers with dependents who don’t qualify for the Child Tax Credit may be able to claim the Credit for Other Dependents. They can claim this credit in addition to the Child and Dependent Care Credit and the Earned Income Credit. Here’s more information to help taxpayers determine whether they’re eligible to claim the Credit for Other Dependents on…

Tax basics: Understanding the difference between standard and itemized deductions

Tax basics: Understanding the difference between standard and itemized deductions

One of the first decisions taxpayers must make when completing a tax return is whether to take the standard deduction or itemize their deductions. There are several factors that can influence a taxpayer’s choice, including changes to their tax situation, any changes to the standard deduction amount and recent tax law changes. Generally, most taxpayers…